Thursday, January 25, 2007

What the f... Who the fuck is transceiver?

First of all, for all of us, who did not study electronics. A transceiver is a device that both receives and transmits radio signals. Do you remember the old Walkie-Talkie that you used as a child, running around through the forest. Yeah, well a transceiver allows speaking and listening at the same time! Awesome! Kind of like a mobile phone, but without the kinky photo, MMS, Calendar, you-name-it functions. So much for the device.
Transceiver is just like transponder a volunteer, who currently lives in Jerusalem. Also interested in politics, science, societies, sociology, conspiracy and protection of animal rights. During the next couple of month, I will post a couple of articles here, about my experiences in Israel and about the thoughts that I have about the Israeli society and politics. So I can reflect on the things that happen here and tell people, who are not here about it. The nice thing about Israel is, that everybody has a meaning about it. Not necessarily because of experience, but somehow this entire middle-east conflict is in everybody’s mouth. So, maybe I can add some extra to the ongoing discussions in Germany, the States, Norway, Denmark and Israel. And also I will show that there is more in this country then just politics! Even though everything is politics in a way. The reason I write in English is also because I have a lot of friends in Denmark and Norway as well as Israel, who are interested in this blog, so if you cannot understand it, send me a mail and I am happy to translate.
In real life my name is Felix. I am a friend of Benjamin, so that is why I was very happy to join this blog, when he offered.


Anonymous Anonymous said...



4:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so this is gettin some sort of an international blog community here, huh? nice...

alter, gestern war ich auf ner bahamas-veranstaltung und ich sag dir, die haben so einen an der klatsche. unterhaltsam wars aber trotzdem. bis nachher; da schreib ich dir nämlich ne mail mit meinem "urlaubsprogramm"... hahaha.


6:28 AM  

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